Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Visit

A tradition for one family in our ward is for the dad to dress up as Santa Claus for the neighborhood. They allow anyone who wants to come see Santa to visit him at their house! It was a great idea! The kids were so excited, so was I, no standing in a huge line at the mall! And I get free pictures! They both told Santa they wanted a computer! What weirdos! I didn't get them that! Travis cried when I sat him on Santas lap, so we settled for a family picture with Santa instead with me holding Travis next to him! I can't blame the kids, a big man in a red suit, half of his face covered with fuzzy white stuff! Who wouldn't be afraid?

1 comment:

Tami Ray said...

Love the pictures. I am so glad people enjoy it as much as us!

Hey this is Tami Ray from the ward. I just started this blog and have found you and others from the ward are on it. COOL! I added you to mine and if you want to add me to yours my profile is

It would be cool if more our ward was on it. I am so new to this I am trying to make my page look good. LOL